Session Arguments

There are a variety of ways for specifying a device to connect to. Below are a list of arguments you can provide for specifying how to connect to a device.


You should always specify all session arguments before specifying the command you wish to execute.

usage: tiflash [session arguments] <command> [command arguments]


cmd Possible choices: options-get, options-set, options-list, list, reset, erase, verify, flash, memory-read, memory-write, register-read, register-write, evaluate, attach, xds110-reset, xds110-upgrade, xds110-list, detect, info

session arguments

-s, --serno Serial number of device
-d, --devicetype
 Devicetype of device
--ccs Version of ccs to use (default is the latest)
--ccxml CCXML (full path) file to use
--connection Connection type to use for device
--chip Device core to use
-t, --timeout Timeout to use for command (seconds)
-F, --fresh

Generate new (fresh) ccxml

Default: False

-D, --debug

Display debugging output

Default: False

-A, --attach

Attach CCS to Device after performing action

Default: False

-v, --version print tiflash version
-V, --VERSION print tiflash & python version


Most often you’ll only need to supply the serial number and TIFlash will try to automatically determine the default configurations (device type, connection, chip, etc.) to use when connecting to the device.